The Parliamentary Budget Officer recently released a paper explaining why it doesn’t actually cost the government anything when civil servants take sick leave. His conclusion was, IMHO, so bizarre that…
In my latest column for the ROB’s Economy Lab feature (in the Globe), I regale readers with the story of what happened when a bureaucrat came into the café my…
In the wake of the European Court of Justice’s decision to create a “right to be forgotten” by Google’s search engine the National Post has been running a series of…
In my latest column for the Economy Lab feature in the Globe’s ROB I make the case that, “It is opportunity’s evanescence that we Canadians too often ignore at our…
In the latest of my seemingly endless screeds for the Ottawa Citizen and other PostMedia newspapers today I mine the D-Day invasion and the West’s success in the Cold War…
One of the things that has always struck me about Canada is that whatever powers the provinces have must be respected without question and if they exercise them everyone rushes…
In my latest column for the Ottawa Citizen and other Postmedia papers I dissect the significance of the European Court of Justice’s decision to recognise an individual’s “right to be…
Recent events in both South Africa (successful elections) and Northern Ireland (arrest and release of Gerry Adams) provide the backdrop for this week’s column in the Ottawa Citizen and other…
“Social licence” is a concept on everyone’s lips these days as we debate pipelines, dangerous rail cargoes, appropriate forestry policies, etc. But this benign sounding term conceals a multitude of…
Much of the commentary I’ve read about Russia’s smash and grab of Crimea misses the point about why this kind of behaviour must engage the west’s attention. Much more is…