Cities everywhere are perhaps the moist important drivers of prosperity, pulling millions out of poverty and putting them on the ladder of economic success. As I argued in my 28th…
In my 14th April column for the Globe’s ROB I lovingly debunk the notion put about by Ottawa and the provinces that the latter have somehow torn down the barriers…
Intellectual property rights are a hot topic in Canada, with federal government promising to develop an “intellectual property strategy” in this year’s budget. This idea is welcome. Canada has an…
On Robbie Burns Nicht last January we celebrated the Scottish Bard’s birth with readings of his poetry by fellow Scot John Ivison and some musical interludes featuring music Burns would…
Forget diversity, multiculturalism or social programmes. Despite what you may have heard, these are not the things that make Canada great, however desirable they may be in their own right….
After the Cold War, the West dismantled much of its capacity to oppose Russian propaganda and disinformation. Now our own complacency and an emboldened Vladimir Putin is leaving us prey…
Writing in my fortnightly Globe column I make the case that commentators can harrumph all they want at Kevin O’Leary’s plan to discipline the provinces for damaging Canada’s national economic…
As I wrote in my Globe column for the ROB, carbon taxes are all the rage, but they are not going to be the tax reform that will bring national…
Canada’s liquor control boards – the provincially run bodies that control the sale of alcohol to Canadians – have proven surprisingly adept at enduring through calls for lower prices and…
There is no wall protecting Canada from the populist tidal wave that washed Donald Trump to the presidency in the United States, as I argue in a new Macdonald-Laurier Institute…