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‘Black and brown ppl cannot achieve unless we make exams easier.’
Because we are all stupid?
Is that why?
Can we not see how racist these policies and assumptions are?
Utterly revolting racism. 🤮
The essence of monopoly is the absence of consumer choice. That is why the dominance of a particular provider (eg Google’s search engine) in a marketplace with easily available competitors is NOT a monopoly but is rather the result of consumer choice, whereas a blanket legal…
Gee @TristanHopper, when the government by law forbids me to buy healthcare with my own money, decides how many professionals will be allowed to bill the system, pays all the people and institutions in the health care system, collects all the data (or more accurately *doesn’t*…
Gee @TristanHopper, when the government by law forbids me to buy healthcare with my own money, decides how many professionals will be allowed to bill the system, pays all the people and institutions in the health care system, collects all the data (or more accurately *doesn’t*…
And Canada isn’t even an afterthought despite allegedly having aspirations to be an Indo-Pacific power. How low we have fallen…
A small clarification: @FP_Champagne perhaps means that the way business is done in Canada is that they take vast subsidies from Ottawa *before* they close up shop and leave the country. Perhaps the Minister is annoyed that Amazon never gave him a chance to claim that *he* was…
Chris Selley is completely right and the Minister is talking rubbish.
Chris Selley is completely right and the Minister is talking rubbish.